Many experts believe that by 2050 machines will have reached human level intelligence. Although this is some way off, many knowledge-based jobs are already being augmenting with artificial intelligence techniques. Indeed, 25% of all job-based tasks could be automated by 2019, according to Forrester Research.
We track hundreds of innovative companies that are using artificial intelligence (including machine learning and natural language processing), so decided to pick out some of our favourites that are automating knowledge-based work across a range of jobs.
The leading innovators we’ve selected are: Agnito Labs (Legal Robot) (@Legal_Robot), Agolo (@agolo), AppZen (@appzen), Aviso (@avisoinc), Beagle (@beagleinc), Capito Systems (@CapitoSystems), Clarifai (@ClarifaiInc), Conversica (@myconversica), DigitalGenius (@DigitalGeniusAI), Doxia, Enlitic (@enlitic), FinGenius (@FinGeniusAI), Inovance (@InovanceTech), Kelson, Kira (@KiraSystems), MetaMind (@metamindIO), Narrative Science (@narrativesci), re:infer (@reinferio), ROSS Intelligence (@rossintel), Sensai (@AskSensai), Tractable, Vanare (@vanareplatform), WealthArc (@WealthArc), Wired Informatics (@wiredinfo), and (@wiseio).