We’ve just added a new feature that allows you to see a personalised list of similar companies to those you follow on VentureRadar.
You can see the suggested list by clicking on the link “Find similar companies to those you follow” at the top right of your Dashboard. You can then ‘Follow’ or ‘Disregard’ the suggestions to help tune future recommendations.
Step 1. Click on the link “Find similar companies to those you follow” from your Dashboard
Step 2. ‘Follow’ or ‘Disregard’ the suggestions to help tune future recommendations
If you don’t have an account on VentureRadar it takes less than 30 seconds to create a free account and start following companies. Then you can start using this new feature.
A Reminder: What We Mean by Similar Companies
There are three elements that we consider to define similarity:
(1) Companies with similar technology / skills / expertise
(2) Companies that apply similar concepts / business models
(3) Companies that operate in the same sector or ‘ecosystem’
The similarity algorithm we have developed takes into account all of these factors. It combines Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Custom Algorithms, and is built on top of our own proprietary data set.