The side panel on VentureRadar company profiles shows a number of metrics that are used to measure the progress of the company. Here is a summary of the latest metrics we track for companies and what each one represents.
VentureRadar Score
The overall VentureRadar Score is a measure out of 1000, and is based on four sub-scores:
Sub-Scores (each measured on a scale of 1-1000 with a score of 1000 being the best)
Social Proof
Social Proof is a measure of the endorsements and recognition the company has received, for example: News Coverage, Awards, Industry Recognition, Funding Raised, etc.
Website Traffic
Website Traffic measures how much traffic the company gets on its own website relative to other organisations on VentureRadar.
Auto Analyst Score
The Auto Analyst Score uses a VentureRadar algorithm to simulate how a human analyst might rate a company from an assessment of its website. In general the Auto Analyst Score is seeking to answer the question “Does this company seem to be in good health?”.
Popularity on VentureRadar
Popularity on VentureRadar measures how popular the profile is relative to other companies on VentureRadar. The score combines profile views, clicks and the number of times the company appears in search results.
When you export search results you can filter and rank the companies using these sub-scores. Free Subscribers can export 10 companies records per export, and it’s easy to upgrade this number with a paid subscription.
Read more about the sub-scores on this blog post.
Website Popularity Trend
The Website Popularity Trend is used to provide an estimate of the site’s popularity over time. The rank is calculated (by using a combination of average daily visitors to the site and pageviews on the site over the past 1 month. The site with the highest combination of visitors and pageviews is ranked #1.
Website Popularity Rank [change name to rank]
The Website Popularity rank is used to provide an estimate of the site’s popularity. The rank is calculated (by using a combination of average daily visitors to the site and pageviews on the site over the past 3 months. The site with the highest combination of visitors and pageviews is ranked #1.
Employee Satisfaction
Employee Satisfaction scores are calculated (by from employee reviews of the company.
Auto Analyst Score
The Auto Analyst Score uses a VentureRadar algorithm to simulate how a human analyst might rate a company from an assessment of its website. Positive signals regarding the activity of the company and quality of the website contribute towards a higher score. If there are doubts about the health of the company the score will be lower. In general the Auto Analyst Score is seeking to answer the question “Does this company seem to be in good health?”.
VentureRadar Popularity
Popularity on VentureRadar measures how popular the profile is relative to other companies on VentureRadar. The score combines profile views, clicks and the number of times the company appears in search results.